Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gullivers Travels Essay Example

Gullivers Travels Essay Example Gullivers Travels Paper Gullivers Travels Paper In this extract of Gullivers Travels, Gulliver has just been attacked by a herd of Yahoos throwing excrement at him, and his rescuers, the Houyhnhnms, observe him. Swift juxtaposes Gullivers human vanity with the calm, rational nature of the Houyhnhnms to satirise the human assumption of being the most morally and rationally superior species. This is significant preparation for Gullivers moral realisation towards the end of the book. This portrayal of Gulliver is perhaps a response against the Renaissance period views where mankind was celebrated as the ultimate being, and instead the neo-classical genre influence, where mankind was viewed as imperfect and inherently sinful but can redeem himself by a constant struggle towards humility, is strongly ingrained in the text. Gullivers belief that humankind is the most superior species, which has been developed throughout his journeys, carries on to Houyhnhnmland, as suggested by Swifts choice of images and words. One aspect of the extract that reveals Gullivers vanity as a human is his clothing. He makes several references in the first paragraph to his clothing: his hat is discomposed by the horses, and the fact that he was forced to adjust it better shows that vanity, in the form of concealing imperfections through clothing, is an innate part of humans. The Houyhnhnms unfamiliarity with clothing such as his coat, an unnatural covering for the body, thus highlights their belief in living in harmony with nature, and this neo-classical type of conservatism is presented as a much better way of life as it escapes vanity. Another aspect showing Gullivers pride in being human is his self-proclaimed strength of : Secondly, it will analyze Voyage I as topical in nature wherein Swift satirizes the European politics of eighteenth century and conclude by briefly commenting on Swifts message behind his use of political satire in Gullivers Travels. The theme or the structure of a book is what draws readers to it and hence success of the book largely depends on it. Although a lot of controversy is associated with Gullivers Travels, the fact cannot be ignored that it has sold millions of copies till now. The book is cast in the convention of an adventure story which is well reflected from its title, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World or as it is popularly called Gullivers Travels. On the periphery the book appears as the tale of a simple Englishmans journey into the unknown and remote nations- Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg, Japan and Houyhnhnms and his experience on these voyages. Swift uses the device of verisimilitude in the novel to project his fantasy world as credible. In a work of fantasy, a writer creates impossible characters, places and situations and asks the readers to pretend that they are real. To help the reader in this task, the writer tells his tale in such a way that he makes it seem credible- that is, he gives it verisimilitude. Swifts use of first person narrative, giving his imaginary characters and places some real-world characteristics, addressing his reader directly and following each voyage to an unreal world with a voyage back to the real world can be attributed to the literary device of verisimilitude: But at the same time the reader can hardly conceive my astonishment, to behold an sland in the air, inhabited by men, who were able (as it should seem) to raise or sink, or put it into progressive motion, as they pleased. However, a lot of issues are hidden beneath the novel. Though he has cast his novel in the genre of an adventure story yet, he criticizes and ridicules other travel writers of his day. Gulliver, in the novel frequently says that he will not trouble the reader with detailed descriptions of a particular episode in his travels. Such statements are the authors jibe at travel writers who tend to inflate their descriptions with a prolixity of insignificant details. Most of all, the novel is a scathing attack on the eighteenth century European politics which will form the subsequent discussion of the essay. The most obvious joke in the title of Swifts Travels into several Remote Nations of the World is that what purports to be a chronicle of several excursions to remote nations turns out to be a satiric anatomy of specifically English attitudes and values. To write about public affairs or to criticize public men with any freedom invited censorship for the writer unless he uses literary artifices of various kinds to express his opinions with impunity. Perhaps this is why, Swift casts his novel in the garb of an adventure story to escape censorship and criticize the eighteenth century English society. Censure, according to Swift, is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent. The text is a political satire in the sense that it exposes the mechanisms of court officials, corruption and degrading human values which fostered in the eighteenth century Europe. In his preface to The Battle of the Books, Swift writes, Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybodys face but their own, which is the chief reason so few are offended by it. In the book, many figures which seem to be imaginary are meant to depict real personages, or at all events are drawn from them. Swift in one of his letters to Alexander Pope regarding the book wrote, I have employed my time in finishing, correcting, amending and transcribing my Travels in four parts complete, newly augmented, and intended for the press when the world shall deserve them, or rather when a printer shall be found brave enough to venture his ears. This reference to the printers ears highlights as C. H. Firth says, the book contained political allusions which might bring the publisher to the pillory, and draw upon him the fate which befell Defoe. Ample political allusions abound in Voyage I of the book. Some are to the events of Queen Annes reign and others to events in the reign of King George I. The first part of Gullivers voyage to Lilliput has no political significance. In fact, the place appears to be an utopian land and its inhabitants as generous and kind: I now considered myself as bound by the laws of hospitality to a people who had treated me with so much expense and magnificence. However, as Gulliver progresses his story, Lilliput ceases to be Utopia and becomes England itself, instead of being an example to England. Sycophancy is practiced by the court officials who will go to any length to win favors from the Queen and lords. Swift, thus through the episode of rope-dancing performed upon a slender white thread criticizes the obnoxious practices of court officials: This diversion is only practiced by those persons who are candidates for great employments, and high favour at court. Gulliver further says, But the danger is much greater when the ministers themselves are commanded to show their dexterity; for by contending to excel themselves and their fellows, they strain so far, that there is hardly one of them who hath not received a fall, and some of them two or three. The image of Lilliput as England becomes clear when Reldresal says, We labour under two mighty evils; a violent faction at home, and the danger of an invasion by a most potent enemy from abroad. In Lilliput there are two struggling parties called Tramecksan and Slameckson, from the high and low heels on their shoes, by which they distinguish themselves. These allude the Tories and Whigs, Englands political parties and the potent enemy abroad is the island of Blefuscu which typifies France, Englands arch-rival. The emperor of Lilliput wants Gulliver to invade Blefuscu and could think of nothing less than reducing the whole Empire of Blefuscu into a province, and governing it by Viceroy; of destroying the Big-Endian exiles, and compelling that people to break the smaller end of their eggs, by which he would remain sole monarch of the whole world. This symbolizes Londons colonial enterprise who despite being a small nation like Lilliput had a number of nations under its control and the Lilliputian Emperors using of Gulliver reflects the British thrones using of and ally. The religious war between Lilliput and Blefuscu symbolizes the quarrel between England and France over the nature of sacrament and differences in communion of the catholic and Anglican Churches. Swifts use of the struggling parties, Tramecksan and Slameckson is his immediate jibe at European politics. Through their quarrel, Swift satirizes the War of the Spanish Succession. The Whigs had conducted a war against the Roman Catholic leaders of France and Spain. Although it had its religious overtones, the war also involved trading rights with the colonies in America. However, the Tories led by Harley and Bolingbroke after coming to power, began to negotiate with the French thus resulting in the peace treaty of Utrecht, 1713. Their naval policy, they said destroyed the Spanish fleet. However, the Whigs being unsatisfied later accused the Tories of treason because of a failure to get colonies and parts from France and Spain. In light of this Swifts remark holds very true, We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. The ingratitude of the British throne towards its men of service is highly condemned by Swift and finds expression in the fire episode of Chapter 5. Gulliver is instrumental in saving the rest of the palace but the Queen instead vows revenge against Gulliver for urinating in the precincts of the palace which was later included in the articles of impeachment against him. This incident is an allegorical representation of certain incidents in Swifts life. Mr. Dennis says, Queen Anne was so much disgusted with the Tale of a Tub that in spite of Swifts political services, she could never be induced to give him preferment in the Church. Swifts satirical writings largely stood in the way of his promotion. He failed to get the Irish Bishopric in 1708 and it was with great difficulty that he obtained the deanery in 1713. All these can be attributed to the influence of the Duchess of Somerset, Dr. Sharp, the Archbishop of York, the earl of Nottingham and Robert Walpole. In the book, Gulliver r efers to Bolgolam, the Admiral of the Realm as his mortal enemy and his malice is constantly mentioned and insisted upon. Bolgolam typifies the Earl of Nottingham who used his private influences to stop Swifts preferment and opposed the Schism Act saying that it was dangerous because it gave too much power to the bishops. The character of Flimnap is a representative of Sir Robert Walpole under whose administration England became a fountainhead of corruption. Swifts critique of England under Walpole echoes Samuel Johnsons diatribe of the same in his poem London: all are Slaves to Gold, Where Looks are Merchandise, and Smiles are sold, Where won by Bribes, by Flatteries implord, The Groom retails the Favours of his Lord. The Kings cushions which saves Flimnap from breaking his neck symbolizes the Duchess of Kendal, one of the Kings mistresses, by whose influence Walpole, after his fall from power in 1717, was again restored to favor. Bolgolam, Flimnap and the other court officials conspiracy against Gulliver is indicative of the malice practiced by the court officials of King George I who instead of looking after the nation and performing their duties were only interested in bickering, gaining favors and opposing to anyone who stood in their way of making profit. This is perfectly highlighted in Dean Swifts quote, When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. The account of the silken threads- green, red and blue given to the courtiers showing most agility in leaping over or creeping under a stick signify the various orders of the Thistle, Bath and the Garter. By alluding to this, Swift attacks the policy of George I who used these orders as cheap ways of buying political support from social climbers which increased corruption and sycophancy in the English society all the more. Gullivers escape to Blefuscu to escape trial provides the bitterest satiric attack on hypocrisy, ingratitude and cruelty by the eighteenth century English society. Bolingbroke, Swifts friend had brought a great war to an end but was denounced by his political opponents and accused of treason which made him flee England. Thus, Swifts scathing attack and political allusions in Book I of Gullivers Travels serve as a powerful critique of European politics. Swift has been criticized for being a misanthropist. However, his misanthropy arises out of his disappointment in human kind- he is constantly frustrated by what men do as opposed to what they ought to do. Through his satiric attempt at exposing the European politics, Swift intends to give a moral message to the people- to view themselves as he viewed humankind, as creatures that were not fulfilling their potential to be truly great but were simply flaunting the trappings of greatness. The main object of satire in the book is human nature itself, specifically mans pride as it manifests in pettiness, grossness, rational absurdity, and animality (Tuveson). Gullivers character, as a satirical device, serves Swifts ends by being both a mouthpiece for some of Swifts ideals and criticisms and as an illustration of them so that people can recognize their follies and correct their vices. For critics such as Dobree, the book is in a sense, a tragic work n that it is the picture of mans collapse before his corrupt nature, and of his defiance in face of the collapse. However for Swift, humbling human pride, enabling a more honest self-assessment was absolutely vital to addressing the suffering and injustice so prevalent in human life. Contrary to many who label swift a misanthropist, only a man who cared deeply about humanity could have produced a work like Gullivers Travels. As we travel with Gulliver, through the voyages, Swift brilliantly peels away our pride and pretensions, layer by layer, until he shows us what we are and challenges us, intensely and urgently, to be better. In the words of Louis A. Landa, Many looked about and saw widely prevailing infection, a culture losing its vigor and its better values, under the impact of bribery, luxury, political faction But only a person of the rarest gifts, such as Swift, could transmute these into an imperishable imaginative comment on the nature of man and society.

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